
RedZebra has the expertise, experience and staff to enable other companies support to various tasks in the most crucial steps in a life of a company

СonsultingWe offer consulting for corporates in:

  • Technology innovation within their existing structure
  • Development and implementation of organizational changes
  • Support to management team to be able to innovate and implement innovation
  • Development of business plans
  • Analyze company structure, development of changes in the company structure (if necessary) and support in the implementation of these changes
  • Development of Marketing and Sales Plans (including international sales) and support in the implementation of these plans

Web and software developmentSoftware development

RedZebra has the expertise, experience and staff to support companies in various tasks in the R&D space, web and software development. In particular, we help companies to divert into new technologies or start a new unit with a new R&D and business group – in the “startup style”.

We offer the following solutions:
Upgrade of Legacy Systems into new and modern technologies (e.g., Moshe Farin strategized and led the implementation of their upgrade technology from Adabas and Natural to Oracle and Java in Israeli Local Authorities Center Ltd.)
New development (e.g., (i) Ugrafix edible paper, edible ink and software, (ii) Compay Ltd. (new technology design, business plan) (iii) 3Dmuse, a new platform for Virtual Museum (design), etc.)
Social media strategy, design and development
Web development
App development


Dr. Linda Harnevo and Mr. Moshe Farin have vast experience in supporting companies by being in their Board of Directors, including expertise in:
  1. Sarbanes–Oxley
  2. Financial expertise
  3. Chairing and member in Audit committees
  4. Chairing and member in compensation committees
  5. Chairing and member in technology committees