About us

RedZebra is an Israeli private Boutique Incubator focused on Internet and mobile innovations

About us

The vision

Bring young entrepreneurs together in a creative, innovative, results/ market - driven environment to activate growth and economic vitality

The mission

Support technology entrepreneurship and emerging technologies, and teaching early-stage technology entrepreneurs how to succeed, grow, and thrive

OUR TEAMMeet RedZebra Team


Linda Harnevo

Linda Harnevo started RedZebra in 2001, and serves at its Chairman. Dr. Harnevo is an avid entrepreneur, and a renowned expert in visualization technology in Israel and abroad. She has many years of experience in executive management, software design, and expert system design. Dr. Harnevo has served as on the Board of Directors of publicly traded International companies.

Dr. Harnevo holds a Ph.D. in Applied Math from the Weizmann Institute of Sciences in Israel


Moshe Farin

Mr. Farin joined Dr. Harnevo in 2003, and is co-owner, and CEO. Mr. Farin is responsible to ensure that the Company is able to achieve its vision and goals through sophisticated business models and excellent execution. Mr. Farin has over 20 years of experience in management and business development.

Mr. Farin holds an MBA and a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, both in Tel Aviv University. Moshe served in the Israeli army MAMRAM unit – abbreviation for Center of Computing and Information the Israel Defense Forces’ central computing system unit.


Our pride and success

RedZebra is proud to have been involved in founding and/or supporting three successful companies:
Jumma white Karin